
Good times in Tobogganville

Sun, 02/02/2025 - 09:01

CAMDEN—Though the frigid 15-degree temperatures probably contributed to seeing fewer costumes on the ice this year, the 34th US National Toboggan Championships always brings out the local ice shack

Gallery XIII: An eye on the seasons

Mon, 09/02/2024 - 08:45

Reader Gallery 13 continues a tradition of sharing ph

This Week in Lincolnville: Christmas at Sleepy Hollow

Sun, 12/22/2024 - 09:53

A few weeks ago, Rosey Gerry asked if I would write a story for the Lincolnville Historical Society’s Christmas Show last Friday, and to not tell my mother.

Fire destroys new home in Lincolnville, all residents safe

Fri, 12/20/2024 - 08:01

LINCOLNVILLE — A fast moving fire burned 85 percent of a new three-story home in Lincolnville soon after midnight, Dec. 19. The fire was rekindling as of 8 a.m., Dec.

A Grinch Christmas for Rockland? Festival of Lights Parade sees green

Sat, 11/30/2024 - 19:07

ROCKLAND — To the delight of many, a friendly Grinch appeared several times, in several forms, during the 2024 Festival of Lights Parade in Rockland, Saturday, Nov. 30. 

Midcoast firefighters, ambulance drivers practice vehicle operation skills on Owls Head Transportation Museum tarmac

Thu, 11/07/2024 - 19:52

OWLS HEAD — Firefighters and ambulance crews from the Midcoast learning how to drive fire engines and ambulances assembed Oct.

A day at the polls

Wed, 11/06/2024 - 04:19

UMaine journalism student Hailey Inman, of Searsmont, spent several hours visiting polling stations in Camden, Rockport, Lincolnville and Searsmont to talk with municipal clerks about the voting pr

Sweet and spooky Halloween in Lincolnville Center

Thu, 10/31/2024 - 19:58

As the sun was setting over Lincolnville, I arrived a

Sampling of Halloween 2024 in Rockland

Thu, 10/31/2024 - 18:21

A small sampling of Halloween 2024 in Rockland pulls forth an abundance of creativity exuding from larger hearts that took advantage of 66 degree temperatures as residents and entities spilled into

Children take over Rockland waterfront for Oct. 5, 2024 activities

Sun, 10/06/2024 - 10:04

ROCKLAND — 10:30 a.m., Saturday, Oct.

Belfast Rotary Club’s 17th Belfast Harbor Fest "Best Ever"

Fri, 10/04/2024 - 13:57

Belfast Rotary Club’s annual Belfast Harbor Fest, the club’s three-day community celebration of Belfast’s waterfront heritage, was one of the most successful in the 17-year history of the event.

BAHS students take 2024 BMI course in Marine Studies water safety

Sun, 09/22/2024 - 13:16

BAHS students taking the BMI's course of Marine Studies this fall with Ms. Genna Black and Mr. Chip Lagerbom have been taking water safety instruction with John McMillan.

2024 Camden Windjammer Festival: Schooners, Fire Dept. 5K, crate race, blueberry pancakes, pooches and paddle boards

Sun, 09/01/2024 - 10:43

CAMDEN — The Camden Public Landing was a hub of activity Friday and Saturday with the 29th annual Windjammer Festival, and if they were no

This Week in Lincolnville: Art on the Backroads

Sun, 08/18/2024 - 12:46

I know I have written before that my day job is in the mental health field.

Crowd shots 2024 Lobster Fest 5K-10K

Sun, 08/04/2024 - 10:04

It was a humid, yet dry, start for the athletes who took to the streets of Rockland, Sunday morning, Aug. 4, 2024, for the Maine Lobster Festival’s annual 5K and 10K running races. 

2024 Lobster Parade surfs through rain soaked morning

Sat, 08/03/2024 - 13:19

ROCKLAND — For some, an hour’s delay of the Maine Lobster Festival’s “Big Parade” was a rather long wait. Though anyone waking up to the heavy rain storm that drenched the region, Saturday, Aug.

2024 Lobster Festival #2

Sat, 08/03/2024 - 14:05

ROCKLAND — A rain-soaked morning was not enough to prevent good photographs from developing in respect to the 2024 Maine Lobster Festival’s “Big Parade.”

Veteran tile dedication sees 21 more names added to the wall in 2024

Sun, 07/28/2024 - 14:22

ROCKLAND — “As long as we live, they too shall live,” said Dave Franclemont, in an opening prayer to the 2024 tile dedication ceremony at the Midcoast Maine Area Veterans Memorial. 

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