Family of Graham Lacher doubles reward

Tue, 12/05/2023 - 6:45pm

    The family of 39-year-old Waldo County man Graham Lacher, missing since June 6, 2022, when he fled the grounds of the Dorothea Dix Psychiatric Center in Bangor, has doubled the reward amount for his safe return from $5,000 to $10,000.

    Lacher is diagnosed autistic and schizophrenic and is the subject of a state-issued Silver Alert. 

    Despite not having a confirmed sighting of Lacher in 18 months, “We continue to hope my son has survived,” said his mother, Tammy Lacher Scully, of Belfast. “And with the coldest days of winter ahead of us, we are especially concerned about his safety.”

    “We believe he’s been seen,” Scully said, “but not recognized as a missing, vulnerable adult in need of medical attention. Everywhere we go in our search for Graham, we encounter more people who are not aware of his disappearance than who know about it. This tells us we need to do more to get the word out; hopefully, increasing the reward will help us do that.”

    According to Scully, the family was offered, “a substantial, new donation from a family friend, so we decided to match that and double the reward.” Full details of the reward’s terms and conditions can be found on the Facebook page Missing Graham Lacher.

    Anyone with information about Lacher’s whereabouts can contact the family via Facebook at or call Bangor Police Dept. Det. Jordan Perry at (207) 947-7384. Lacher’s Missing Person NCIC number is M396825302.


    Family (herein referred to as “Makers”) is offering a $10,000 reward (herein referred to as “Reward”) for the first tip that leads directly to the safe return of Graham Lacher. This reward is being offered until December 31, 2024.

    Wherefore, the Makers of this award desire to discover the whereabouts of Graham Lacher. Wherefore, the Makers do not promise or convey any warranty to any person or entity.

    Wherefore, the Makers of this offer shall always remain not liable for any and all loss or harm that may arise from any and all actions, activities, speech, thoughts, and all other possibilities of any person, entity, or company that proceeds in any manner or method in furtherance of this offer and Reward.

    Wherefore, the purposes of this award are to incentivize assistance from the public to assist in procuring and reporting of relevant and useful information that leads to the discovery of the whereabouts and safe return of Graham Lacher.

    I. Reward Specifics:

    Tip must be given directly to law enforcement officials. Law enforcement, search teams, and persons with any involvement in his disappearance are not eligible for reward.

    II. Amount of Reward and Disclaimers of Warranty and Liability

    Total reward amount is limited to $10,000.00 and is not a promise for performance. Reward does not represent an inducement or acceptance of contract or performance of services. Reward amount and amount awarded will be given per these terms only and if any situation arises that is outside the terms of this reward amount, the Makers of the Reward shall retain full power and authority to decide a pro rata or division of funds without guaranty or warranty and without liability.

    Makers of Reward shall not be liable for any damages, harm, or loss of any company or individual that does any action or thought or process towards the stated purposes of this Reward.

    Makers of Reward shall have full indemnity and accept no responsibility for financial loss, and any other harm that may or may not occur in furtherance of this Reward and its purpose.