Agenda set for Hope school committee meeting March 15
HOPE — The school committee agenda for the next Hope Elementary School committee meeting is set.
The meeting will be held Tuesday, March 15 at 6 p.m.
Participants can join via livestream:
1. Call to order
2. Public Comment
3. Adjustments to the agenda
4. Signing of the Warrants
5. Accept the minutes of the February 15 regular meeting minutes. Accept the minutes of the March 8 Special School Committee Meeting.
6. CDS Board: Hope Opening for SY 23. Mike Pierce, current Hope representative to the CDS board will attend to discuss his experience with the School Committee.
7. Resignation/Nominations
8. Continue to review draft ‘22-’23 Budget
9. Superintendent’s Report
a. Financials
b. Food Service Audit Report
10. Principal’s Report
i. COVID/Safety Team Update
ii. Facilities update
11. An executive session is requested pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A. section 405 for the purpose of reviewing the annual evaluation and compensation of the Principal.
12. Vote to approve the contract and compensation of the Principal.
13. Items for the Next Agenda. Date: Tuesday, April 19
14. Adjournment