Agenda set for Hope school committee April 10

Sun, 04/09/2023 - 11:45am

HOPE — The school committee agenda for the next Hope Elementary School committee meeting is set.

The meeting will be held Monday, April 10 at 6 p.m.

Participants can attend via livestream:


1. Call to order

2. Public Comment

3. Adjustments to the agenda

4. Signing of the Warrants

5. Review of Financial Report

6. Accept the minutes of the March 13 regular school committee meeting minutes, the March 21 special budget workshop and the April 5 special budget workshop minutes.

7. Resignation/Nominations

8. Staff presentation: SOAR program

9. Vote to approve the FY23-24 school budget and budget articles

10. Approve Principal’s recommendation for probationary teachers
a. Charlie Gluck
b. Jen Strazzulla
c. Kate Fiano
d. Alyssa Harris
e. Joanna Greenwood

11. Approve Principal’s recommendation for teachers to be placed on Continuing Contract
a. Jen Thorne

12. Superintendent’s Report

13. Principal’s Report

14. Items for the Next Agenda. Date: Monday, May 8

15. Adjournment