Agenda set for Hope school committee meeting June 21
HOPE — The school committee agenda for the next Hope Elementary School committee meeting is set.
The meeting will be held Tuesday, June 21 at 6 p.m.
Participants can attend in-person or join via livestream:
1. Call to order
2. Public Comment
3. Adjustments to the agenda
4. Signing of the Warrants
5. Review of Financial Report
6. Accept the minutes of May 17 regular school community meeting minutes and May 23 finance subcommittee minutes.
7. Resignation/Nominations:
a. Accept resignation of Lynne Doble due to retirement.
b. Nomination of Joanna Greenwood to the position of Middle School Special Education Teacher for SY 22-23.
c. Nomination of Mari Trini Rico to the position of Spanish Teacher
d. Nomination of Jennifer Strazzulla to the position of Kindergarten Teacher
8. Staff/Student Presentation: Civil Rights Team
9. First Reading: Policy KHC: Dissemination of Information
10. Discussion: Elimination of Dress Code Policy as recommended by the Policy Subcommittee, dress codes are updated every year by each school in the handbook and then approved by the school committees.
11. Set summer meeting dates
12. Vote to authorize Superintendent to hire during the summer months
13. Review of FY21 audit (based upon completion of the audit before the meeting)
14. Superintendent’s Report
15. Principal’s Report
a. End of Year Academic Data
16. Items for the Next Agenda
17. Adjournment