Appleton, Hope, Lincolnville to hold joint school committee meeting June 7
HOPE — The three school committees for School Union 69, including Appleton Village School, Hope Elementary School and Lincolnville Central School, will be jointly meeting Tuesday, June 7.
The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. at the Hope Elementary School.
1. Call the meeting to order
2. Public Comment
3. Adjustments to the Agenda
4. Acceptance of the minutes of the December 7 meeting.
5. Discussion of Central Office staffing.
6. Financial Report for Central office and Special Education to date.
a. Changes to office heating system (changing from oil to electric)
7. Policy Advisory Committee membership for 2022-2023
8. Any other business to come before the board.
9. Future agenda items for the next meeting on: December 6
a. Exec session for superintendent and director of special education contracts
b. Election of Joint Board Officers
c. Budget for special ed and superintendent office
d. Update from special ed director
e. Cost sharing formula
10. Adjournment