
No one who cares for the health and welfare of Maine or the United States would vote any Republican into office, any office. This is a time for all good people to stand up for Democracy.  

2022 Annual Rockport Town Meeting

ROCKPORT — Annual Town Meeting in Rockport drew approximately 70 people to the Rockport Opera House June 15; some were ready to defend certain lines in the budget, others to question and comment,…

If refused, citizens plan to hold Sept. 27 special town meeting

CAMDEN — Attorney Paul Gibbons, representing the Save the Dam Falls Committee, is asking the Camden Select Board and Camden’s attorney,…

APPLETON — Holding their annual town meeting by secret ballot and going to the polls all day June 14 to tend to municipal business, citizens of Appleton approved a budget for the Appleton Village…

THOMASTON — Voters in the Town of Thomaston cast ballots in the primary elections June 14 while also deciding on the future of the Thomaston Green. 

The primaries were held for the…

LINCOLNVILLE — Lincolnville voters went  June 14, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., at the Lincolnville Central School, to consider two school budgets, and a…

HOPE – Voters in Hope elected two select board members – Michael Schultz and Charles Weidman, as well as Nicholas O’Hara to the Hope School Committee.

And in a straw poll, voters indicated…

ROKCPORT — Rockport voters elected Jim Annis to the Select Board, unseating incumbent Denise Munger. The vote was close; Annis had 268 votes and Munger 253.

In addition to candidates for…

UNION — Voters in Union elected Martha Johnston-Nash with 357 votes to a two-year term on the Select Board. Her opponent, Linda Waltz-Mountainland, received 208 votes.

See attached PDF for…


CAMDEN– Except for two articles — 15 and 16 — on the municipal ballot, voters in Camden said yes to all articles on the town’s 2022 Town Meeting Warrant, which included the easing of density in…

On June 14, voters in Rockport will choose one of two candidates — Denise Munger and Jim Annis — to serve a three-year term on the…

On June 14, voters in Rockport will choose one of two candidates — Denise Munger and Jim Annis — to serve a three-year term on the…

On June 14, voters in Lincolnville will elect one of two candidates competing for one three-year term on the Lincolnville Select…

On June 14, voters in Camden will elect two candidates to serve on the Camden Select Board. There are two open seats this June, one is…

On June 14, voters in Camden will elect two candidates to serve on the Camden Select Board.

On June 14, voters in Lincolnville will elect one of two candidates competing for one three-year term on the Lincolnville Select…

On June 14, voters in Camden will elect two candidates to serve on the Camden Select Board. There are…

Letter to the editor
So much of the recent debate over the Tannery Property has been commercial versus park. I think it’s time to look at the actual Cranesport proposal. However, this should be considered with the…
Letter to the editor
The disposition of Tannery Park has gone back and forth for many years.   Some people want us to vote No on Articles 15 and 16 in order to save the Farmers’ Market, preserve the trees along…
In advance of June 14 town meeting vote

CAMDEN — Camden voters have two Tannery-specific warrant articles before them June 14 at annual town meeting, business that is to be…


It’s been almost a year since I argued in this blog that we should “Keep Camden Directly Democratic.”…

Disrespect for the ideas enshrined in our Constitution can be found in Uvalde, Texas and right here in Thomaston, Maine. 

This past week, in an effort to minimize damage from what is being…

Letter to the editor

Much has been said and written about the Thomaston Green.

The late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan famous saying, “everyone has the right to their own opinion but they do not have the…

June 14, 2022 is an important day for Camden voters.  Among other items, we elect two Select Board members, we decide whether to institute Secret Ballots for approving the town budget, we decide…
letter to the editor

On June 14, Thomaston voters will choose between Articles 3 and 4 on the town warrant. Passage of Article 3 will “allow the Town to determine the future use” of the Thomaston Green. Passage of…

letter to the editor

We ask you to vote for Marc Ratner for Camden Selectboard member.

He has worked on Board for two terms, understands the workings of the Town of Camden intimately, the eccentricities and…

letter to the editor

I am writing in support of Denise Munger for another term on the Rockport Select Board. It has been a pleasure to get to know Denise through her work with the town of Rockport over the past three…

letter to the editor

It is fascinating to begin to become acquainted with some of Lincolnvillle’s town boards and committees. I am impressed with the many individuals who dedicate their time, and I have found it…

letter to the editor

Mail-in ballots are currently available at the Rockport Town Office, and the town election is June 14.

We all have the amazing opportunity to elect Jim Annis to our Select Board, and what…

As a Green Independent Party House of Representatives candidate, I urged Governor Janet Mills to sign the open primary bill passed by this year’s legislature.  LD 231 became law without her…

The ballot questions about Thomaston Green have confused many and created doubt in the minds of some. Be assured that the “Green” is NOT in danger of being developed and lost to public enjoyment…

Back in December of 2020, I supported Jordan Barnett-Parker running for the Lincolnville Select Board as I thought that we needed new people to be on this board.

One of the things central to…

Letter to the editor

The work that Denise Munger has done as a Rockport Select Board member has been spectacular.  I have known and worked with Denise on important issues for Rockport. Denise has worked tirelessly for…

Lette to the editor

I am writing in support of Denise Munger for the Rockport Select Board. I know Denise through my work on the Rockport Budget Committee and the Library Committee. She listens to comments from…

Letter to the editor

We will cast our ballots to re-elect Jordan Barnett-Parker to the Lincolnville Select Board this month. 

Letter to the editor

On June 14, we residents of Union will vote on the future of the Thompson Community Center. Our options are, essentially, to keep the building in town hands, for the benefit of the town, to sell…

Letter to the editor
Tannery Park should remain...a park. I don't live in Camden, but I have family there, and they love the open space and the farmers market on this site.   Please don't turn this into a private…

SEARSPORT — Waldo County Sheriff Jeff Trafton plans to retire after eight years in his position, and two candidates have announced their…

public hearing scheduled for Wednesday, May 25

In advance of a May 25 public hearing on four Town Meeting warrant articles, the Thomaston Select Board and Community and Economic Development Committee issued the following statement:


Should the town of Camden continue to own the Apollo Tannery property along the Megunticook River on Washington Street and keep it for a farmers’ market and park? Or should that property be sold…

Elections 2022: Waldo Country Sheriff Candidate Interview

BELFAST — Waldo County Sheriff Jeff Trafton plans to retire after eight years in his position, and two…

The following municipal newsletter, Sidelines, is circulated courtesy of the Union Select Board, and serves to update Union citizens about governmental news in town. Disclaimer: The opinions…

ROCKPORT — More than a decade ago, former Rockport Town Attorney Paul Gibbons had the foresight to craft a…

Three ordinance amendments on June Town Meeting warrant concerning density

CAMDEN —The Camden Town Office and the Select Board have acknowledged for several years the deficit of workforce and affordable housing…

Monday evening, March 21, the Camden Rockport Schools and Five Town CSD School Boards will hold Public Input Budget Meetings to present the 2022-2023 School Budgets to the community.  Attendees…

June is when Maine citizens weigh how much to spend on school budgets, and polls are open in many towns for voters to cast ballots on…