The Reality of the King's Realm and His Kingdom

Mon, 12/16/2024 - 10:10am

    God loves simplicity. He loves to reveal Himself to and through those who are being themselves. The greatest anointing is released in the power and demonstration of the Spirit through those who partner with the Holy Spirit that walk in love and humility. Simplicity is the key- God does the rest. As it is written, “It is not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord Almighty” (Zechariah 4:6).

   So often, people present themselves as God’s anointed: ministers doing “God’s work” while clothing themselves with priestly garments and vestures, embracing society’s culture and Church traditions as part of ministry. While all these may be well and good, they often become substitutes for the reality of the presence of the anointed one- the Lord Jesus Christ. A lot that is being called ministry today is simply programs void of the presence and power of God.

       God uses those clothed in humility who walk so close to Him they exude the presence and fragrance of the Lord “In every place” ( 2nd Corinthians 2:15).  No matter how well someone clothes themselves in a spiritual image that speaks of being godly, ordained and anointed as a minister of the gospel: without revealing Christ in the power and demonstration of the Spirit that reveals the authority of Christ and His Kingdom, we are merely like clouds without water. No matter how well a person can preach, articulate a message, and move people, what they get is them rather than the reality of the person, divine nature, power, and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    The Church is called to be the outpost of the Kingdom. Christ is as real today as when He walked this earth. Jesus preached and demonstrated that the realm of the Kingdom of God is “A hand” (Matthew 4:17). That’s how close the Kingdom of God is- as close as your hands. The commission He has given to His servants is this: “As you go, preach saying, The Kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely you have received (the ministry of the Holy Spirit) freely give” (Mathew 10:8).

    True Kingdom reality takes place when the expressed image and power of Christ and His Kingdom is revealed on earth as it is in heaven. He is our inheritance. I believe we are entering a season where the Lord will reveal Himself to His people. In this contrast, we will see the difference between organized religion, spiritual pretension, and the reality of Christ, who has given us the abundant spiritual life that is ours- Kingdom life, the way life is meant to be.

 In His heart and love, Roy Roden

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