Hope voters approve citizen recall initiative, Livestream meetings, and dog ordinance
HOPE — Voters in the Town of Hope were tasked with deciding on three municipal referendum questions when filling out their ballot for the November general election.
Referendum Questions
1. Shall the Town appropriate up to $2000 from the undesignated fund balance to purchase, lease and/or rent camera equipment and subscription fees to have live stream capabilities and video availability on the Town website for all Town public meetings until June 30, 2021, at which time any additional future expenditures will go before the voters at the Annual Town Meeting?
2. Shall the Town vote to enact an Ordinance entitled: “Hope Dog Ordinance” which is detailed by Maine State Law and used on the Dog Ordinance Violation Form?
3. Shall the Town vote to enact a Citizen’s Petition Ordinance entitled “Recall Ordinance in the Town of Hope, Maine 04847”?
Proposed Town of Hope Recall Ordinance Any elected official may be recalled and removed by the voters of the Town as herein provided.