Chip Curry is great advocate for Waldo County and Maine
In these uncertain times I get up each morning and ask in what way can I have a positive impact for my community, for my family, and for the planet. I am not interested in wasting time on unimportant efforts. One critical issue is climate change. Our success in meeting the challenges we face because of climate change will require action and leadership at every level of society, from personal, local, state, national, to international.
I support Chip Curry for State Senator because I know he understands the importance of addressing climate change and that he will support the actions needed to be effective. He is also committed to making sure that Waldo County, as well as all of Maine, benefit from the good paying jobs that will be created as we tackle this threat.
To continue the work being done right now by the Maine Climate Council will require legislators who are committed to reducing greenhouse gases. This is essential to having a sustainable and prosperous future for everyone.
Chip’s skill in listening to all ideas and perspectives as he determines what is the best action to take is a valuable quality to have in coming up with solutions to any problem. This skill will be needed in order to find a path through the complex balancing of interests and priorities surrounding climate change.
This will make him a great advocate for Waldo County and the state of Maine.
Jonathan Fulford is a community organizer and climate activist from Waldo County. He has built homes and raised children for 40 years in Maine. He cares for his mother full time in Belfast.
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