One Furniture Trend Of The Decade.....

- Private group -
Mon, 04/22/2013 - 6:30am

Story Location:
111 Belmont Avenue
Belfast, ME 04915
United States

Furniture Goes Green:
Green furniture has always been available, but now it seems to be going mainstream. Environmental concerns such as awareness of how deforestation impacts climate change and the effects of toxic finishes on the air inside homes have led furniture buyers to demand green furniture.

Manufacturers are transitioning into greener resources and ways of production. In the last decade furniture imports rose due to lower costs, but the concern for a smaller carbon footprint is behind the beginning of a gradual shift towards locally manufactured furniture.

Diminishing resources and pollution concerns have led to more recycled or re-purposed materials. Material from torn down buildings is being used for furniture as a step taken to reduce landfills.