Happy New Year from local Astrologer Ananur
What’s up... pun intended...the Astrology chart for midnight, beginning tonight January 1, 2020 shows that there are MANY planets now in Capricorn.
As you know Capricorn is an earthy sign and by that I mean that it is focused, organized and has specific goals in mind. Capricorn is always associated with government and authority figures. Because the “South Node” is also included with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all in the 4th house of ancestors, home, family and reaching inward to connect with one’s higher Guidance on a Soul level. We ought not allow past patterns to rule our lives. I’m referring to old patterns of manipulation, deception, rituals of dark deities that control worldly events (yes it does happen) and government powers that seek for themselves and we call greedy.The direction of the chart North Node in Cancer on the top of the chart (MC for those who know Astrology) is meant to bring about a vision of humanity as “our family. “ Do unto to others as you would have them do unto you,” truly is the slogan of the year 2020.
This direction (slogan) is motivated out of a longing to leave the past behind. I see this happening by the state of things...being electing new leaders who have this slogan imprinted in their Souls. Uranus, the planet of changes that come about in sudden bursts of energy is focused on moving us all out of the past patterning which has been running for too long. As John Lennon said, “Power to the People, right now.” Yes. We must, and together ...and turn off TV, etc. and other distractions IF we want change. It’s simply about breaking old patterns and facing our future.
What do we REALLY want? Go for it. Capricorn energy can be, “for the good of all,” if and only if we are united in thought and deed. Don’t give up. Never give up. As you know there are many powerful political leaders being exposed for misuse of power, there will be more that fall, it’s a karmic fulfilling time, for sure. Best thing to do is to live by your highest standards and ethics, correct the past and live in the present, which is truly a gift. Another thing about this New Year’s Astrology chart is the fact that the Moon is in the 6th house of health and healing conjunct Neptune both are in Pisces in positive aspects to Saturn & Pluto in Capricorn and Moon & Neptune are also in a VERY positive aspect to Mars in Scorpio. I see this as bringing about powerful forms of healing which come to us this year from Spirit realm. Are you willing to pray for healing for yourself or for others? This will work. We have to stretch these muscles too. Also look to healing the ocean, rivers and drinking water for blessing through prayers and inventions that heal. We need water, we are mostly water, as you know and so this focus of attention is of Extreme Importance and will help to unite us. Attention!!!
Uranus, I did not say enough about it. I don’t want to be too long winded here, but I must say...Uranus in Taurus is in a Very positive aspect (mathematical relationship) with Mercury, Jupiter, South Node, AN D the Sun all in Capricorn. There’s hope if we give ourselves to “the slogan for the year!” Inventions that move us swiftly out of past patterns into a new phase of living our lives and providing housing and homes for all. This is basic, All of us need home, shelter, food and clothing .This MUST happen, I say, before going to the Moon, Mars and exploring Space... which demands HUGE amounts of money. “First things first,” as they say in every 12 step program- is correct. How? By calling and bugging our Congress people- they ARE our representatives which WE must remind them rather than sitting back and criticizing them for not doing what we know they ought to be doing. They are our servants! Ok, there is the gist of it. May your joy (deep within) bubble up and increase. Hold on to your persistent stance on what is “the slogan” for the year and don’t give up, not ever.
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