Letter to the editor: Connie Hayes

You Are on Your Own

Sun, 09/20/2020 - 7:30pm

Might this be the time to recognize how we are all in this together? A philosophy of figuring it out for yourselves comes with dismissal of caring for those facing deep needs. The collective “we” of the past have not been planning systems that distribute assistance equitably.   Relying on private philanthropy does not cover needs predictably. Even local, small, humane, caring volunteer programs can collapse under the stinginess of big government. In addition to our history of unbalanced social responsibility, our pandemic brings bigger struggles to the collective “us”. What can we do about it? We can vote for values.

Valli knows where and why there are gaps in society’s compassion. Her years as one of Rockland’s city councilors and as the mayor, makes her name familiar to many. Her service also spoke for the many voices that expressed needs for housing, tax relief, health care, and economic opportunity. Her broad perspective structures her solid values. Valli Gieger speaks up. She has studied the complexity of government and knows how to create collaborative teams to better our community. Compassion comes with her nursing background. It fuels her desire to put our systems to work to benefit more than the fortunate few.

Saying you are on your own is not sufficient for Valli. Her voice in the state legislature will advance her commitment to find and adopt better ways to give all of us wellbeing.

I will be voting this fall for Valli Geiger.

Connie Hayes lives in Rockland