Letter to the editor: Ellie Goldberg

A vote for Biden is an investment in our children’s future

Mon, 10/05/2020 - 6:45pm
For over 30 years, I  advocated for children and families in the State of Maine - the majority of those years was to bring a voice to their plight and helping the Maine Legislature and Congress understand how policy decisions impacted children.
While visiting the homes of hundreds of Maine families, generally in distress. I witnessed first hand the reality of rural poverty, seeing hungry and abused children victimized by substance abuse, violence and a lack of basic necessities.
While much has changed in the past 30 years, much has stayed the same. Some things, like the environment, opioids and the gap between rich and poor families has worsened.
I am voting for Joe Biden because I believe that our children and grandchildren’s future depend on it.  Whether it is saving our environment, being guaranteed health care and affordable housing or just simply allowing all of our children to live their lives to their fullest ability - we cannot afford to waste another moment.
Please join me in voting for Joe Biden. Vote early and make your vote count!
Ellie Goldberg lives in Hope