RSU 71 voters cast ballots on school budget after correction

Tue, 08/18/2020 - 9:30pm

    BELFAST — Votes on the Regional School Unit 71 school budget have finally been cast after a month delay.

    RSU 71 includes the communities of Belfast, Belmont, Morrill, Searsmont and Swanville. 

    RSU 71 Superintendent Mary Alice McLean said July 8 that district attorneys at Drummond Woodsum learned the referendum documents that the firm had prepared for approving the 2020-2021 School Budget for RSU 71 contained, “a very serious error.”

    The district held an emergency board meeting July 7 via Zoom, at which time the board voted to rescind the Budget Referendum that had been scheduled for July 14 and to schedule a new Budget Referendum for Tuesday, August 18.

    For details on the proposed school budget, click here

    For details on the error, click here

    Below are the results of the six budget referendum questions.