Knox County jail population reduced by 25 percent

Knox County Sheriff Tim Carroll: On reducing jail population during COVID-19

Tue, 03/24/2020 - 11:00am

    Knox County Sheriff Tim Carroll sent the following statement March 24: Knox County Sheriff’s Office staff has worked very hard over the last week trying to curb the potential spread of COVID-19. The Knox County Jail population has been reduced by 25% and we are looking at ways to decrease it further. 

    We all take our responsibility seriously to ensure that we only release after thorough review, discussion, and consideration.  It is certainly a team effort of corrections staff, administration, our programming partners, the District Attorney’s Office, Justices of the State, and Defense Attorney’s carefully reviewing before allowing persons out of confinement. 

    I am very proud of the performance level that the Corrections Officers have been able to maintain thru this rough time. 

    Part of the review process is to ensure those released have safe and adequate arrangements to go to for living accommodations and, if appropriate, we ensure they have a job to go to, as well. 

    In most circumstances, it is my signature that allows those individuals out on release.  I assure you that I take that authority and responsibility very seriously and do so with heavy thoughts of the public’s safety always in mind.  It has been a rough week for everyone with a lot of unknowns and no immediate relief in sight. 

    I assure you that the staff at the Knox County Sheriff’s Office is working hard to help reduce the spread of this virus, maintain their own safety and health and, as always, keep the public’s safety at the forefront of what we do.  We will get through this together.