Coastal Senior College announces new fall 2021 courses

Thu, 08/19/2021 - 4:15pm

Coastal Senior College will offer fifteen courses beginning in September; three will meet in person and twelve will meet via Zoom. Registration opens August 30, at 8 a.m. To read complete course descriptions and instructor bios, and to learn what days and times each course will meet, as well as to register online, visit

Mail-in registration is available, although registrants should consider the longer time required for CSC to receive a registration request and process it. Fees remain very reasonable: membership for a year is still twenty-five dollars. The cost of a course that meets for more than four weeks is thirty-five dollars; and the fee for a course that meets for four weeks is twenty-five dollars.

A brief overview of all fifteen courses follows:

On Tuesdays, explore “Maine’s Landscape and Literature”, which includes authors from Martha Ballard to Louise Dickinson Rich. “Sketching the Nature Around Us” will have participants capturing rocky coastlines and native trees and plants in pencil and colored pencils. “Revenge in Shakespeare’s Plays” will focus on three villains in three of Shakespeares’s popular plays: Don Juan in Much Ado About Nothing, Richard the III in The Tragedy of King Richard the III, and Iago in Othello, the Moor of Venice. Discuss how several authors like William Carlos Williams and poets like Gail Masur explore aging as a major theme in their works in “Literature Encounters Aging.”

On Wednesdays, gardening is the theme for “Putting Your Yard to Bed for Winter.” Explore ocean changes as humans add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere in “Humans in the Ocean: Part II: The great carbon dioxide experiment.” Participants in “It’s the Message, not the Medium: Adventures in the Gothic” will discuss how the Bronte sisters used the gothic form in Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights to comment on social, political
and ecological issues. Enjoy and discuss short stories in “Eudora Welty and Flannery O’Connor: American Short Stories at Their Very Best.” Become a better writer in “Editing Techniques: How to Cut and Prune Your Writing.”

On Thursdays, examine how many Americans experience aging in “The Psychology of Aging: What It Is and How To Do It.” To discuss the interaction between technology and culture take “Pushmi-Pullyu-How Ingenuity and Ambition Shape Culture and the Future.” Explore our cosmic neighborhood in “ A Stroll Through the Solar System.”

On Fridays, learn basic rug-hooking techniques in “Beginner Rug Hooking” at the instructor’s studio. Discuss the work of poets like Thomas Hardy, Margaret Postgate Cole, and Wilfred Owen in “The World Went Wrong: British Poets in WWI.” Discuss the three plays of The Oresteia in “Pride, Revenge, Redemption: The Oresteia by Aeschylus.”

“We invite you to join us in class!” said the College, in a news release.