Letter to the editor: Jay Field

Chip Curry will be inclusive, optimistic and competent leader

Tue, 10/27/2020 - 1:30pm

I write to urge my fellow citizens to elect Chip Curry to the Maine State Senate for District 11.

Knowing Chip as I do, I would support him under any circumstances.

But sending him to represent us in Augusta is most urgent right now—at a time when racial and cultural conflict, anger, fear and division consume our politics at the federal, state and local levels.

When elected officials and candidates for public office exploit these fault lines in pursuit of power, we fight back by electing people whose values and character offer a more inclusive, optimistic and competent style of leadership.

Chip Curry will be this kind of leader for Waldo County.

Chip is a skilled educator and academic advisor who helps college students sort through degree options, transfer planning, financial aid and career paths.

He has a long track record of using his experiences, working with young people, to serve youth statewide through his work on initiatives like the Maine Legislative Taskforce on Quality Afterschool Programming and on the governor’s Children’s Cabinet

Most importantly, Chip has this innate ability to listen and empathize with others.

Wherever we cross paths—be it the golf course, the harbor walk, the transfer station or Rollie’s, watching football—Chip always connects in a meaningful way.

In this time of division and distrust, we desperately need leaders like Chip who value the humanity in everyone and foster more dialogue and less monologue.

Jay Field lives in Belfast