Agenda set for Hope school committee Nov. 14

Sat, 11/12/2022 - 11:45am

HOPE — The school committee agenda for the next Hope Elementary School committee meeting is set.

The meeting will be held Monday, Nov. 14 at 6 p.m.

Participants can attend in-person or join via livestream:


1. Call to order

2. Public Comment

3. Adjustments to the agenda

4. Signing of the Warrants

5. Review of Financial Report

6. Accept the minutes of the October 17 regular school committee meeting minutes and the November 2 special school committee meeting minutes

7. Resignation/Nominations

8. Staff presentation: Kate Fiano on Restorative Practices

9. Review and finalize School Committee goals

Tentative goals:

a. To foster communication with families and community that promote partnership and common goals
-To support Danielle in increasing parental involvement
-parent involvement; open house was nice, felt like a community
-parent input at SC meetings: add zoom link to newsletter; swiftreach
-with the town
-school committee sponsored evening to meet SC members
-survey budget priorities
-presentations to school committee about school initiatives
-time within committee meetings to discuss outreach on a regular basis
-sharing information about upcoming facilities improvements needed

b. Obtain town funding for needed facilities renovations and improvements
-foster relationships with the community to prepare for upcoming expenditures
-continue to be available to the budget committee to address questions or concerns as the process progresses

c. Support Danielle and the school community in identifying the needs of educators and increase retention
-review local salaries and contracts in preparation for negotiations in 23-24
-communicate to town the value of excellent teachers and appropriate compensation
-examine school operations for efficiency

d. Educate the school committee and community in regards to programming at the school
-invite students and staff to present to the school committee
-invite curriculum teams to present about any impending changes that need a school committee vote

10. Superintendent’s Report

11. Principal’s Report

12. Items for the Next Agenda. Date: December 12

13. Adjournment