Agenda set for Hope school committee Oct. 17
HOPE — The school committee agenda for the next Hope Elementary School committee meeting is set.
The meeting will be held Monday, Sept. 17 at 6 p.m.
Participants can attend in-person or join via livestream:
1. Call to order
2. Public Comment
3. Adjustments to the agenda
4. Signing of the Warrants
5. Review of Financial Report
6. Accept the minutes of the September 12 regular school community meeting minute
7. Reschedule January 16 meeting due to MLK Day
8. Resignation/Nominations
9. School Committee Goals
a. Affinity Protocol: establish common goals
b. Develop specific goals
10. Vote: Snow plow bids
11. Vote: Updated Emergency Management Plan
12. Superintendent’s Report
13. Principal’s Report
14. Items for the Next Agenda. Date: November 14
15. An executive session is requested pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A. section 405 for the purpose of reviewing the Superintendent’s Goals and Self-Evaluation.
16. Adjournment