making growing food easier for those with physical disabilities, limited mobility

Wales Park Community Garden enters seedmoney fundraising challenge

Thu, 11/26/2020 - 8:30am

BELFAST — Wales Park Community Garden (WPCG) is growing in the center of Belfast. To raise money for accessible beds, WPCG is participating in a nationwide fund raiser that will grant additional funds to the top gardens raising the highest donation amount.  
The height of these beds will make growing food easier for those with physical disabilities or elders with limited mobility, according to WPCG, in a news release.

This opportunity is made possible through, a Maine-based nonprofit that offers challenge grants to community gardens.

“With their participation, we will strengthen the diversity of the group and the community at large,” said WPCG.
This time-limited challenge runs through December 15. WPCG has the chance to win the top prize of $600 if it is the garden that raises the most money during the campaign. In all, $55,000 will be awarded to winning community gardens across the United States.
To help WPCG win the top prize go to