letter to the editor

Vote for Rick Thackeray for Camden-Rockport / MSAD 28 School Board

Mon, 05/22/2023 - 3:00pm

If there is one thing I have learned in watching national politics in recent years, it is how important it is to have leaders who understand the legislative process and who unequivocally uphold the rule of law. It is not enough to have officers who push through agendas, or tacitly approve initiatives without scrutiny, or are yes men to those with higher stations.

Every governing body needs a person who is a judicious watchdog, eyeballing each line and weighing each outcome. This person is Rick Thackeray.
His education and experience practicing law in the State of Maine positions him uniquely to examine and scaffold the decisions put before the School Board. His leadership style is that of authenticity and transparency, meaning who he is on the Board is who he is in life — a lawyer, community member, coach, and a parent.

In my own experiences with Rick, he has never allowed a board to operate without careful stewardship. From his early work on the Board with Children's House Montessori to his days as Commissioner of Five Towns Baseball to his most recent turn on the MSAD 28 School Board, it is not in his nature to stand idly by. He dives in to listen, to learn, and to lend a hand.
The reason we community members would benefit from Rick's continued service on the School Board is that we need someone who takes in our concerns and requests, as well as informs us of what is on the horizon for our district. Rick is a natural at being that conduit between the homes and homerooms. As Rick has made clear himself, it is essential for Camden residents to be informed about what decisions are being made in their schools, but it is just as essential to be informed why those decisions are being made.
As my husband always says, usually in defense of missing a carpool or forgetting something at the grocery store, "I only know what I know!" We all know far less without Rick there to tell us what we need to hear.
Vote for Rick Thackeray for Camden-Rockport / MSAD 28 School Board.

Erin Donovan lives in Camden