St. George purchases Old Woods Farm Subdivision Lot 11
ST. GEORGE — After many months of discussion and negotiations, the Town of St. George has purchased 83 acres that are part of the Old Woods Farm Subdivision (off Port Clyde Road, across from the cemetery).
According to the Town, in a May 28, 2024 news release, this purchase ensures that the property will be placed in a conservation easement in perpetuity, as intended by the St. George Planning Board when the subdivision was approved in 2006.
In addition, due to the efforts of the Conservation Commission and funding by a grant from Land for Maine’s Future, public parking and hiking trails will be developed on this property for all to enjoy.
“The lot in question has been the subject of contentious litigation over the fact that the developer of the subdivision and subsequent owner failed to conserve it as required and threatened to develop it,” said the Town. “The purchase of the property by the town concludes this legal dispute and ensures that this property will be permanently protected and available for public recreation.”
The property was purchased for $76,000 with funds contributed from a variety of sources including previously-approved taxpayer funds for property acquisition and conservation, a State grant from Land for Maine’s Future, funding from the water district to prevent development that might adversely affect water quality of the Tenants Harbor water source, contributions from the subdivision property owners, and philanthropic donations from local citizens.
The Conservation Commission will be working on establishing parking and trails over the next several months with the goal of the property being open to the public in the Fall.