Letter to the editor: Annette Naegle

A Pledge to Rewild

Thu, 03/25/2021 - 2:30pm

A Pledge to Rewild. What does this mean? Imagine yards with native grasses, road medians in town with flowers growing and bees and butterflies stopping to eat and rest, the elimination of pesticides and the associated warnings for children and pets not to play on lawns.  

Rewilding our landscapes recognizes the inescapable reality that all things are connected and that when we have a functioning ecosystem, all forms of life can thrive. Across Maine and beyond, Maine's  Wild Seed Project has launched a campaign to restore  native plants in our landscape.

Wild Seed Project, based in Portland, is asking people to replace intensively managed non-native landscape across Mane with native plants that provide food and habitat for native species. Their website, www.wildseedproject.net, includes free guidance, tools and resources to inspire people for the coming growing season.  

The rewinding project dovetails Rockland's Healthy Lawns and Gardens effort.  Effective January 2021, Rockland City Council voted to eliminate the use of pesticides for property owners, businesses and public spaces.

The ordinance includes an allowance for property owners to transition away from pesticides for the long-term and sustainable health of our lands, waters and residents (humans, insects, birds, pets, and wildlife). This is a campaign we can all participate in, as it works on any scale, from a small house lot to a  city park, and the City of Rockland in partnership with all our residents will be working to turn towards natural care of our community’s landscapes.

Here is a link to learn more about the City’s new ordinance and our pledge to eliminate harmful additives to our lawns and gardens: https://rocklandmaine.gov/documents/charter-code/pesticide-use-and-lawn-care/

Annette Naegel lives in Rockland