Camden voters to consider marijuana cultivation license rules at Nov. 5 polls
CAMDEN — Voters in Camden will see one municipal ordinance amendment proposal on the Nov. 5, 2019 ballot: “Shall the Town of Camden amend Chapter VIII Camden Police Ordinance by adding a new ordinance entitled Part 1-F Marijuana Licensing Ordinance”?
This amendment outlines what is necessary for obtaining a license for a marijuana business.
Currently, the only adult-use marijuana businesses allowed in Camden are cultivation facilities, per voter approval in June 2019, with the passage of the ordinance amendments that authorize the two smallest sized indoor and outdoor marijuana cultivation (growing, harvesting, curing, grading and trimming) facilities as defined by the State of Maine.
An application to establish a marijuana cultivation facility requires a Special Exception review by the Zoning Board of Appeals, which includes a public hearing and a review of the Performance Standards developed to protect the general public and to mitigate potential adverse impacts on abutting properties. In addition, a Marijuana Cultivation Facility license from the town will be required.
The licensing procedure and enabling ordinance amendment is similar to other annual municipal licensing reviews and approvals.
The license process, if approved by voters, stipulates that the license must be renewed annually through a public hearing process.
Read the full Marijuana Licensing Ordinance here
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