Belfast Area High School teachers face down COVID-19 scare March 16

Mon, 03/16/2020 - 6:45pm
    BELFAST — A Belfast Area High School teacher learned after arriving at work March 16 that her relative, with whom she had been in contact, has a co-worker who had been diagnosed with COVID-19.
    That news sent staff into a spin, but by the end of the day, RSU 71 heard from the Maine CDC, which advised that high school staff could return to work, but practice social distancing.
    “The teacher will be in quarantine for 14 days,” said Superintendent Mary Alice McLean.
    She sent the following letter to the community:
    Dear RSU # 71 Staff and Board Members, 
    Many thanks for your excellent work today.  I stopped by each school and/or staff meeting and saw everyone thoroughly engaged in making the best of a difficult and unprecedented historical moment, showing a depth of caring, ingenuity, charity, patience, and good-humor that is both remarkable and deeply appreciated. 

    CDS has said that there is no need for anyone to quarantine except for the teacher who was exposed to a relative who was exposed to a person with Covid-19. 

    So everyone else is clear to come to work tomorrow. That said, teachers who have already completed the work of setting up their students for remote learning -- many were able to complete that today, while others had already completed the work before today began -- may work from home.  
    Please be in touch with your building principal or director if you have extenuating circumstances (such as illness, children in need, elderly family members in need, or other exigencies). 
    Food Service at CASS, East, and Ames will resume tomorrow from 8 am-12 noon for pick-up breakfast and lunches.  Today 117 meals were served and we can expect greater numbers Tuesday - Friday.
    Take care of yourself and your loved ones as a first priority.  We need you to stay healthy and strong!
    Warmest regards,  -Mary Alice