Every year the no-no finger comes out for Banned Books across the country and what does that make you want to do? Read them of course.
Camden Public Library is celebrating this week with wanted posters and displays for banned or challenged books. Children's Librarian Amy Hand set up a special display all over the library of books that have been banned or challenged at some point over the years in a school or library. Behind her in the photo, the young adult books she cites for example include the Harry Potter series (because sorcery and magic makes people think bad thoughts) and all of the Twilight series (which I'd ban on literary merit alone, but that's another subject). To Kill a Mocking Bird, Of Mice and Men, and The Call of The Wild, are among the most common adult books that have been banned as well for a variety of reasons (offensive language; perceived socialism, etc.) Hand also mentions a children's book about two male penguins at a zoo (a true story) who adopted an abandoned penguin egg. After it hatched, they raised it together. And Tengo Makes Three, according to NYDailyNews.com, has been the most challenged children's book in recent years.
Really? Gay penguins. That's the assumption? Maybe they were just two middle class penguins whose personal income had eroded over the last decade (not that they were working any less) and to save on expenses, decided to raise a penguin kid together like Kate and Allie.
Hand said little piles of books are scattered in every section of the library with wanted posters that explain why the books have been challenged or banned "or anything else that has caught fire."
Banned Books Week extends from 9-30-12 to 10-7-12. Let us know what favorite banned or challenged book sits on your bookshelf and why.
For a list of the frequently challenged books of the 21st century, as compiled by the American Library Association, click here.
For a list of banned and challenged classics, as compiled by the ALA, click here.
To reach Kay Stephens, email kaystephens@penbaypilot.com.