
Short term rental rules: ‘Rockport, this is the wrong road to take at this juncture of American history’

Mon, 07/27/2020 - 2:00pm

It seems to me that the voices of the residents of Rockport have been overlooked and under reported by our local newspapers as summaries of Select Board meetings and "public workshops" appear without mention, in any recent reporting, of those who are not in favor of this move to limit the rights of private property ownership.

For that reason, I am appreciative of this opportunity offered by Penobscot Bay Pilot to "put in a word."

The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reports in July that 17.8 million Americans are currently unemployed and an additional 10.6 million are on "temporary layoff."

Furthermore, 22 percent of households say that they don’t expect to be able to make their next monthly rent or mortgage payment, according to a Census Bureau survey.

Temporary limits on evictions, imposed in the early weeks of the U.S. crisis, are gradually ending, and a growing number of lenders and landlords are seeking to evict those who cannot pay.

To the Select Board of Rockport, this is the wrong time, the wrong place, the wrong road to take at this juncture of American history.

Marsha Steinglass lives in Rockport.