Waldo County Dems perform holiday community service

Tue, 12/12/2023 - 5:00pm

SEARSMONT — On Saturday morning, December 9, a group of about 18 Waldo County Democrats gathered at the Waldo County Woodshed processing site in Searsmont to help turn logs into stove-ready firewood for distribution to citizens in the area who need emergency heating assistance.

Holiday giving is an annual tradition for Waldo County Democrats. This year, in addition to donating to the Lewiston-Auburn Area Response Fund through the Maine Community Foundation, the group decided to make a donation of time and manpower to a local charity. They chose to organize a work day for the Waldo County Woodshed to help meet its ongoing need for volunteers to assist in splitting and loading firewood.

Several area Democrats regularly spend a weekend morning doing this work. Mike Ray of Lincolnville, candidate for House District 40, provided safety training and orientation for the group. Rep. Paige Zeigler of House District 40 and wife Bernice Nadler are long time volunteers. Paige brings his saw and Bernice has a “favorite” wood splitter, although she has recently become quite fond of operating the woodshed’s new tree-length wood processor.

“I enjoy the workout and I miss wood heat and days in the woods with chainsaws!” said Rep. Jan Dodge of House District 39.

At the end of the day, the Waldo Dems helped split and move close to 8 cords of firewood – enough to heat the homes of 32 people for two weeks this winter. In addition, they also helped load the vehicles of 17 people picking up wood that morning. Chairperson Sara Salley suggested that those not able to participate could give three hours of volunteer time to another worthy cause of their choice this holiday season.

In addition to providing firewood for heating assistance, the Woodshed organizes “Pay-What-You-Can Café” dinners across the county. The next one is Thursday, December 14, from 5 - 8 p.m., at the Liberty Community Hall on Pinnacle Road (Route 220) in Liberty, where Woodshed volunteers, friends and neighbors are invited to enjoy a lasagna dinner in support of their community and the Woodshed.

Details are on the Woodshed’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/waldocountywoodshed.

People interested in finding out more about Waldo County Woodshed can visit: https://waldocountywoodshed.org/