Vote yes on Article 3 for Rockport’s future

Thu, 05/23/2024 - 9:15pm

As Rockport voters, we strongly agree with our Select Board, Budget Committee, several former members of the Wastewater Task Force and the Economic Development Committee, and many other residents that we vote yes on funding a wastewater treatment plant for our town (Warrant Article 3).

Building our own treatment facility allows us to take financial control of our high sewer costs, as well as invest in workforce housing, new and existing businesses, improve water quality, and address resilience concerns for our drinking water supply.

The project economics show that building our own system is much cheaper than continuing to absorb higher and higher costs from Camden, which have escalated 73% in the past five years. Over the first 10 years of operation, each household on the sewer will pay approximately $4,000 less in treatment costs than if we were to renegotiate with Camden. 

Importantly, the project costs for Article 3 will be 100% paid for by residents who are either connected or able to connect. If you are not one of these families or businesses, you will not pay for this project. But we still need your vote. 

Finally, a few residents have demanded that we continue negotiating with Camden despite Camden’s public statements that they want us off their system. These residents suggest that voters must choose between Article 3 and Article 15 (Camden discussions). However, even if you want Rockport to continue to negotiate with Camden, we urge you to still vote YES on 3. 

Articles 3 and 15 are not mutually exclusive -- there will be time for discussions during the first year of design work and a YES vote on 3 will provide Rockport with the best leverage possible in any discussions with Camden.  But further delay in moving forward on our own plant will only increase costs and lose opportunities for significant federal and state grant money that is uniquely still available this year only.

Please vote yes on Warrant Article 3, and let’s take control of our future!


Joan Welsh

Richard Remsen

Clay Tolman

Geoff Parker

Helen Shaw

Mark Kelley

Doug Cole

Leni S. Gronros

Betsy Elwin

Debra Hall

Bob Hall

Bill Bow

Nan Bow

Holly Boyd

Patricia Cole

Nick Ruffin

David Pio

Paula Coyne

Bob Lawrence

Bob Kollmar

Bill McClellan

David Bannister

Lynn Bannister

Josh Gerritson

Laura Gerritson

Michelle Gallant

David Pier

Karen Pier

Eric Pier

Vincent Pier

Tony Pinson

Kate Pinson

Harold McWilliams

Marilyn McWilliams

Anne Minnich

Todd Kirchgessner

Jeffrey Runge