Two votes for our community
Across the country we face unprecedented challenges — inflation, a housing crisis, an opioid epidemic — too many community members are living in unsustainable conditions without quality healthcare, stable housing, or the safety nets that make the difference between thriving and barely getting by.
It’s easy to feel hopeless against these big problems. And that is why I look to our community leaders for inspiration—people who are making change now — doing good where they can, working hard every day to represent the people who most need it and creating the changes we need to see to ensure that our elderly, young and most vulnerable don’t fall through the cracks.
Two shining lights in our community, that give me hope, are Kaitlin Callahan and Nathan Davis. It is rare to have the privilege of voting for not one, but two so well-aligned candidates in one city council election.
Nathan Davis is a demonstrated community leader, regular volunteer and past city councilor who has a proven track record of creating effective policy that has real impact on regular Rocklanders. He has successfully worked to raise wages, cut down on heating costs, and served on one of the few councils that not only did not raise taxes, but lowered them (a small amount but notable!). His goals and priorities to make a real dent in our housing crisis with not one, but multiple tools, to respond to affordability, access and scarcity set him apart from other candidates whose policy ideas are stagnant or even nonexistent.
Kaitlin Callahan is a newcomer to many — but not to me. I have known and worked with Kaitlin for many years and I am one of her colleagues who encouraged her to run. I have always been impressed by Kaitlin’s ability to listen to people and support them in making good decisions. Her experience, ability to take on new challenges and incredibly impressive work ethic are hands down, above and beyond most people whom I’ve met. As a Councilor she will bring not only a level of much needed professionalism — but dedication to represent the Rockland residents who regularly go without representation. On a daily basis, as part of a care professional, she witnesses first hand long term community members displaced by the housing crisis and many who are struggling with lack of basic resources or support. She will supply Rockland Council with much-needed new energy, a fresh perspective, and innovative ideas and policies that are solidly grounded in what our community most needs.
I am honored to have the privilege to vote for these two individuals and genuinely excited to see what they are able to accomplish as councilors. I hope you will join me in supporting them both with your vote.
Pinny Beebe-Center lives in Rockland and serves as a Maine State Senator in Augusta.