Tonight at Bell the Cat, hang out with the creatives in Belfast
BELFAST—Tonight must be the night for bringing the community creatives out of the woodwork. While Pecha Kucha brings out the artists and entrepreneurs in Rockland this evening, those living in and near Belfast don’t have to travel very far to get their own taste of the creative spirit. Bell The Cat is opening up their performance space on Friday, Nov. 15, for an open poetry/spoken word jam — the last one in 2013.
Hosted by Ellen Sander, Belfast's Poet Laureate, the Jam includes any form of language used to entertain an audience, including spoken word, poetry, Shakespearean monologue, incantations, slams and poetic raconteuring. Musicians are welcome to accompany the artists. Artists are encouraged to bring their books, broadsides, CDs or other publications to sell
“Bring works to read, recite or to work on, an instrument if you play one, or a musician, to accompany poetry,” said Sander.
"And bring your appetite. Bell The Cat has scrumptious fresh soups, salads, deli sandwiches, cookies, pastries and coffee/tea beverages. Not to mention free WiFi and beer & wine. We always have a big table for poets who munch and there is other comfortable seating around. We've been doing this since March, we have an intriguing group and it's always a good party."
Participants can sign up to perform at 6:30 p.m., with readings starting at 7 p.m. Bell The Cat is located at 15G Starrett Drive, Belfast.
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