letter to the editor

Support John Viehman for Rockport Select Board

Thu, 05/23/2024 - 9:15pm

Rockport is fortunate to anticipate electing John Viehman to join our Select Board.

John comes to this role with a wealth of professional and community service experience that will inform thoughtful discussions, productive collaboration, and balanced decision making around a range of contemporary challenges. That experience includes decades in the print/digital and television media industry, extensive board service for nonprofits and business-related organizations, positions on Rockport’s Planning Board and Budget Committee, and the leadership of United Midcoast Charities, a position from which he recently retired.

Many of the biggest issues Rockport is grappling with currently — such as wastewater management, how we guarantee access to EMS services, reaching conclusions about a long overdue comprehensive plan update, and what a small town like ours can do in the arena of climate resilience — have become or are at risk of becoming highly polarized. To make progress, we need to continue to ensure that we elect leaders who prioritize sustained open dialog and collaboration across our town — and often with neighboring municipalities.

John Viehman’s experience, commitment to collaborative problem-solving, and willingness to serve on the Select Board bodes well for Rockport’s capacity to address problems constructively in order to protect and affordably manage our community. Please join me in supporting his candidacy.

Cheryl Liechty lives in Rockport.