Letter to the editor: Mark Haley

Senator Miramant: There’s No One Better Suited for the Job

Wed, 10/14/2020 - 7:15pm

As a recent transplant to Knox County, I offer my support of Senator Dave Miramant for reelection to the Maine Senate for many reasons, several very close to me.

It’s heartening to know that Dave’s focus on the protection of our environment aligns with my passion for protecting and enjoying the world’s ocean. With the Gulf of Maine being the fastest-warming body of water on the planet, we have a front-row seat to climate change. Dave’s ability to balance and manage the needs of the fishing community, the fisheries they depend on, the fragile coastal ecosystem, and the need for environmental responsibility demonstrates his leadership and vision for the future of our marine industry, community and beyond. His understanding of renewable, clean energy technology, its application, and its role in reducing our fossil fuel dependence exhibits his forward-thinking strategy for our future. These are needed qualities to effectively lead Maine toward a sustainable future.

As a commissioner of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, Senate Chair of the Marine Resources Committee, and a member of the Coastal Caucus and the Energy, Utilities and Technology Committee, Dave has the expertise and clearly demonstrates his dedication to marine resources and protecting the environment.

I’m currently exploring the opportunity to develop a coastal business. Knowing that Dave supports entrepreneurs and has firsthand knowledge of the challenges they face gives me comfort. His reputation precedes him, and I already know that I can count on Dave to be responsive to me, and knowledgeable in his efforts to help me and my business succeed. 

Maine’s economy depends on a healthy environment and small businesses. Dave’s experience as a small business owner provides an intimate understanding of what makes them tick. Coupled with his experience leading us in the Senate these last six years, there is no one better suited for this job.

I fully support Senator Dave Miramant to represent our district in the Maine Senate, and hope you will too.

Mark Haley lives in Rockport