Scouting BSA Troop 200 log: Scouts have been active this summer
Scouting BSA Troop 200 has been active this summer!
On June 6, BSA Troop 200 joined Cub Scout Pack 200 to celebrate a “Crossover Ceremony,” which recognized four boys who had completed Cub Scouting and crossed over into Scouting BSA. The ceremony symbolized the advancement of these scouts from Webelos and welcomed them into Troop 200, where they have begun a whole new experience in scouting. Plaques to honor the Webelos completion of the "Arrow of Light" were donated to the boys by Butler Woodworking of Morrill, Maine.
Members of the troop traveled to Baxter State Park for the June camping trip in order to climb Katahdin, Maine’s highest mountain. After tenting Friday night at Abol Campground, the scouts rose before day break to begin their adventures in the park. The troop ascended a strenuous climb to Baxter Peak navigating a sea of boulders along the mountain’s most direct route, Cathedral Trail. Scouts descended the mountain by either the Helon Taylor Trail via the Knife Edge, or Saddle Trail. Scouts were especially delighted to see snow near the top of the mountain, despite the warm summer temperatures.
Troop 200 also volunteered at the MerrySpring Nature Center in Camden to assist with trail maintenance and invasive species removal from 9 -11 a.m. on Saturday, June 18. A total of ten adults and scouts from the troop collaborated in volunteering a total of 20 hours of service to the nature center during that time. Conservation has always been an integral part of the program of the Boy Scouts of America and participation in environmental service projects is a requirement for advancement in scouting.
The last troop meeting of June was a Court of Awards, hosted outdoors at the First Congregational Church in Camden. This ceremony recognized scouts who had earned merit badges, rank advancements, and other special awards. The meeting concluded with the Troop walking to River Ducks in Camden for ice cream.
In July, nine scouts from Troop 200 participated in a week-long scouting experience at Camp Hinds in Raymond. Camp Hinds is a Scouting BSA Camp located on Panther Pond in the Sebago Lakes region of Maine. Scouts worked towards merit badges that included First Aid, Fishing, Riflery, Citizenship, Canoeing, and Leatherwork.
One of the highlights of the week was cheering on Scoutmaster Ed Weber as he participated in the “Scoutmaster Splash”. This event invites scoutmasters to compete against each other as they perform dives, cannon balls, and belly flops in a campwide event, judged by camp counselors. Troop 200 was proud of Ed for finishing in the top five.
The scouts tented at Byrd Campsite on the Camp Hinds campus and enjoyed an active week of swimming, mountain climbing, campfire activities, archery, problem solving, leadership development, teamwork, community service, ceremony, and camaraderie in the beautiful wilderness of the Pine Tree State.