letter to the editor

Quality Senior Housing in Union

Mon, 11/06/2023 - 8:15pm

ATTENTION ALL QUALITY SENIOR HOUSING DEVELOPERS!  The Town of Union is intent on attracting your senior housing project expertise to the redevelopment of the yellow school building on Common Road.  How do I know?  The Select Board and the Thompson Community Center Working Group are openly displaying this objective by seeking Union citizens’ nod of approval on Articles 2, 3, 4 and 5.  What do the articles offer?  Article 2 commits to senior housing and cooperative negotiation.  Article 3 assures significant tax benefits for both developers and the town.  Article 4 creates favorable zoning.  Article 5 pledges a well-maintained next-door neighbor, uplifting the senior living experience. 

ATTENTION ALL UNION VOTERS!  A community enhancing quality senior housing project for Union is within reach.  Our historic yellow school building is poised to be redeveloped, repurposed, and revitalized for senior housing.  Concurrently, stabilizing the brick building for a potential future community center is achievable.  The Thompson Community Center at the corner of Common Road and South Union Road can radiate with life again, restoring it as a community focal point of pride with TIF-related financial benefits.  Tax Increment Financial (TIF) districts provide tax benefits to both developers and the community.  Tell the Select Board and TCC Working Group that you are ready to move forward now by voting YES on ARTICLES 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Please join me and vote YES on ARTICLES 2, 3, 4, and 5 on Tuesday, November 7.


Denise Migliorini  lives in Union