letter to the editor

Protect Camden property rights, Vote No on Articles 5, 6, and 7

Fri, 05/24/2024 - 8:00am

The Camden Planning Board has been misinformed, misguided and simply missed the point as it relates to affordable housing and other complex housing issues facing our community. 

Instead of creatively addressing this issue by forming a specialized work group or other mechanism to address affordable housing issues, they’ve simply sought to create more regulation and red tape.  Specifically, they’ve targeted short term rentals (STRs) as the panacea to solve all the complex housing problems our town faces.  

Don't be fooled by a Planning Board recommendation that chooses regulations over rationale and data.  Unnecessary and onerous regulations will not solve anything and only hurt property owners and diminish property rights—regardless of whether you choose to rent your home.  And our fragile, tourism-based economy could suffer from unintended consequences of these measures. 

Rockport overwhelmingly rejected a similar effort 3 years ago and Camden should, too.  Protect property rights and limit unnecessary town government, regulation, and bureaucracy.  We don't need our valuable tax dollars spent on more full-time staff in the planning, development and code enforcement office to administer this ill-conceived effort. 

Vote No on articles 5, 6, & 7.
Alex Cohen lives in Camden