letter to the editor

Our children need Ray Thombs to be their voice in Augusta

Tue, 09/03/2024 - 10:00pm

I met Ray Thombs and his family back in 2020. I was fresh out of jail with a newborn and two young children and desperate for some security and guidance. I spent most of my life searching for acceptance and peace, and found just that, and more.

From the first time I met Ray and his family I felt loved, respected and acceped; even with the past I was dragging behind me. I had about six months of sobriety and a willingness to do anything and everything to keep it.

Ray has been on my side from the start, always encouraging me and listening to me, doing all that he can for my family. He is never too busy to help ease my fears or make sense of my jumbled thoughts, There isn’t one question he’s ever been too busy to answer. The same rings true for his family. Without their unending support and love, I don’t know where I’d be today. Ray always sees the gold!

I love that my children have him to look up to, and I couldn’t ask for a better leader and role model for us all. On November 6, 2024, God willing, I will be celebrating five years of continued sobriety. I will be forever thankful for Ray Thombs and his wholeheartedly believe he is our BEST candidate for District 44: Union, Warren, and Hope to restore order back in our state.

Our children need Ray Thombs to be their voice.
Amanda Taylor lives in Warren