Previous numbers expire April 1

New phone numbers for Searsport schools

Mon, 03/25/2019 - 2:00pm

SEARSPORT — In an effort to reduce phone costs, RSU 20 has been upgrading its phone system over the past two years, according to a notice on the district website.

The district now has some new phone numbers, listed below. Changes specifically were made to the numbers for school offices. 

Bus Garage: 548-2323
District Central Office: 548-6643
High School Guidance: 548-2315
Searsport Middle/High: 548-2313
Searsport Elementary: 548-2317
SPED Office: 548.2312

Phone numbers including 548-2311, 548-2314 (previously for Searsport District Middle/High) and 548-2318 (previously for Searsport Elementary) will no longer connect callers to RSU 20 entities beginning April 1.