Maine suffers identity crisis on Google

Pilot Distractions
Thu, 01/03/2013 - 4:30pm

    Why is Maine so.... (what's the word you're looking for?)

    A screen capture of a Google search drop down menu is intriguing. As you start to type your search terms, Google Instant automatically shows results for a popular search that begins with those letters.  So, when someone types in "Why is Maine so. . ." a menu of of most commonly asked queries pops up (presumably to save time).

    The first four queries we got kind of sum up what the rest of America thinks of us, non?

    Why is Maine so liberal...

    Why is Maine so democratic...

    Why is Maine so boring...

    Why is Maine so white...

    Fact versus perception: is Maine a state comprised of poor, liberal, white (and boring) people?

    What do you think? Why is Maine so......(insert your word here.)

    Kay Stephens can be reached at