Knox County Criminal Docket closed cases
ROCKLAND – The following cases were closed in Knox County Unified Court from Dec. 18 - Jan. 4.
Clifford J. Barnes, 35, of Camden, gross sexual assault, four counts, from Dec. 8, 2013 to Feb. 15, 2014. Barnes was sentenced to five years in jail with all but nine months suspended to be followed by three years of probation.
According to the police affidavit filed in Knox County Court, the victim was 16 years old at the time of the assaults while attending the Wayfinder School in Camden. Barnes was a teacher and overnight counselor at the school.
The woman told police that Barnes began flirting with her and then asked for her phone number. The contact became sexual and offenses occurred three to four times a week, according to the affidavit. The assaults occurred at the teacher’s residence in Camden, in a school van and at the school.
She reported the incidents to Camden Police in 2023 and Barnes was arrested in December 2023.
Matthew Richard Chickering, 51, of Brunswick, criminal threatening in Rockland Aug. 29, 2022, in Rockland, $150 fine; criminal threatening and terrorizing in Rockland Aug. 29, 2022, both dismissed.
Randi N. Cousens, 35, of South Thomaston, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer in Rockland Dec. 19, 2023, dismissed.
James Davenport, 40, of Cushing, criminal trespass in Warren March 24, dismissed.
Jared Drown, 40, of Rockland, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer in Thomaston March 6, 2023, dismissed.
Harold Ferrar, 45, of Waldoboro, failing to make oral or written accident report in Rockland Oct. 3, $250 fine; failing to stop and provide information in Rockland Oct. 3, dismissed.
Allen L. Fogg, 36, of Warren, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer in Warren Aug. 6, $150 fine; violating condition of release in Warren Aug. 6, $150 fine all suspended.
Rebecca L. Giles, 47, of Windsor, elver fishing by resident one device without license in Warren May 14, $2,000 fine.
Brennan J. Harris, 23, of Owls Head, operating under the influence (alcohol) in Owls Head June 4, 2023, $500 fine, license suspended 150 days.
Sidney W. Harris, 30, of Rockland, probation violation on a original conviction of theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, with priors, 90 days in jail, probation partially revoked, probation continued.
Joshua P. Howard, 37, of Thomaston, elevated aggravated assault in Warren on Feb. 4, 2023, 10 years in prison with all but 30 months suspended; criminal mischief and violating condition of release, two counts, in Warren Feb. 4, 2023, all guilty.
Sherrie Losier, 43, of Washington, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer in Rockland June 22, $350 fine; violating a condition of release in Rockland 22, $250 fine.
Andrew Monroe, 40, of South Thomaston, domestic violence assault, with priors, in South Thomaston April 14, dismissed; violating condition of release in South Thomaston June 11, two years in jail all suspended, probation two years.
Camron L. Yant Peters, 29, of Rockport, burglary in Rockland June 14, five years in prison with all but 18 months suspended, probation three years; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer in Rockland June 14, 90 days in jail; illegal possession of a firearm in Rockland Sept. 9, five years in prison with all but 18 months suspended, probation three years; and unlawful possession of methamphetamine in Rockland Sept. 9, $400 fine all suspended, five years in prison with all but 18 months suspended, probation three years.
Robert Lynn Royce Jr., 50, of Spruce Head, removing lobster meat without permit in Rockport Oct. 23, $368 fine.
Zachariah I. Sawyer, 31, of Cushing, hunting deer after having killed one in Friendship Nov. 3, 2023, $1,000 fine, 72 hours jail.
Jason K. Smith, 38, of Waldoboro, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, with priors, refusing to submit to arrest or detention, refusing to stop, and violating condition of release all in Thomaston March 31, 2023, 90 days in jail; refusing to submit to arrest or detention, refusing to stop and violating condition of release in Rockland March 11, 2023, 90 days in jail.
Laura L. Soule, 49, of Cushing, operating under the influence (alcohol) in Rockland Oct. 17, $500 fine.
Henry Taber, 69, of Tenants Harbor, protective order from harassment violation in Tenants Harbor Oct. 11, $100 fine.
Chelsea R. Thompson, 44, of Rockland, operating under the influence (drugs or combination), operating vehicle without a license, nlawful possession of scheduled drugs, two counts, all in Rockland April 4, 2022, all dismissed; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer and violating condition of release in Thomaston June 6, 2022, both dismissed; violating condition of release, two counts, in Rockland Sept. 17, 2022, both dismissed.
Jeremy Thompson, 38, of Rockland, unlawful possession of scheduled drug in Rockland Sept. 30, $400 fine.
Henry Watson, 24, of Warren, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, with priors, in Warren Aug. 4, 2023, in Warren, nine months in jail, restitution $140.44; illegal possession of firearm in Rockland May 22, 2021, nine months in jail, probation partially revoked, probation continued.
Michael E. Weaver, 58, of Camden, operating under the influence (alcohol) in Rockland June 16, 2023, $900 fine, license suspended 150 days.
Sarah Anna Wiley, 47, of Tenants Harbor, violating condition of release in Rockland Aug. 1, 24 hours jail.
Reach Sarah Shepherd at