Knox County Criminal Docket closed cases
ROCKLAND — The following cases were closed in Knox County Unified Court from Aug. 5- Sept. 4.
Brandon Edward Amborn, 28, of Warren, criminal trespass in Rockport Sept. 9, 2023, $200 fine; violating condition of release in Rockport Sept. 9, 2023, $200 fine.
Jennifer A. Aronson, 54, of Jefferson, failing to notify of motor vehicle accident in Washington June 6, 2024, $150 fine.
Patrick R. Aylward, 39, of Searsmont, domestic violence assault and criminal mischief both in Rockport Dec. 17, 2023, both dismissed; disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures in Rockport Dec. 17, 2023, seven days in jail; violating condition of release in Camden Jan. 18, 2024, seven days in jail.
Michael W. Bailey, 40, of Camden, criminal mischief in Camden July 3, 2024, $150 fine; domestic violence assault in Camden July 3, 2024, $300 fine.
Michael Baudanza, 66, of Thomaston, violation of gear rule, Chapter 75, in Rockland May 22, 2024, $250 fine.
Shaun Borden, 46, of Rockport, operating while license suspended or revoked in Warren Jan. 11, 2023, $500 fine.
Wyatt Bowman, 33, of Friendship, wash, hold, or keep shellfish in a closed area in Friendship Feb. 11, 2024, $300 fine.
Luis A. Guaman Caisaguano, 37, of Framingham, Mass., fishing without a valid license in Union May 30, 2024, $100 fine.
Andrea Calandri, 33, of Rockland, operating under the influence (alcohol), in Rockport Sept. 30, 2023, dismissed; driving to endanger in Rockport Sept. 30, 2023, $575 fine, license suspended 30 days.
Daniel Carter, 35, of Rockland, domestic violence assault, with priors, in Rockland Nov. 16, 2023, guilty; domestic violence assault, with priors, in Rockland Dec. 10, 2023, guilty; assault in Rockland Dec. 10, 2023, dismissed; assault and domestic violence criminal threatening, with priors, in Rockland Dec. 10, 2023, both guilty; violating condition of release, two counts, in Rockland Feb. 5, 2024, guilty; violating condition of release in Rockland Jan. 28, 2024, guilty.
Amy J. Carver, 31, of Thomaston, unlawful possession of drug in Rockland Oct. 19, 2022, $400 fine with the fine suspended, six months in jail; violating condition of release in Rockland June 14, 2023, 48 hours jail.
David C. Clough, 58, of Port Clyde, violating municipal shellfish ordinance in St. George Feb. 21, 2024, $100 fine.
Arlene A. Condon, 48, of Washington, domestic violence assault, two counts, in Washington July 5, 2024, both dismissed; criminal mischief in Washington July 5, 2024, dismissed; disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures in Washington July 5, 2024, $150 fine.
John P. Conway, 57, of Thomaston, violating condition of release in Rockland March 6, 2024, $500 fine; attaching false plates in Rockland March 6, 2024, $150 fine all suspended.
Richard Curtis, 32, of Friendship, assault in Friendship July 30, 2022, dismissed.
William L. Deane Jr., 48, of Friendship, violating condition of release in Friendship Aug. 23, 2024, 48 hours jail.
Robert H. Doucette, 71, of Union, operating under the influence (alcohol), no test, and night hunting both in Union Oct. 16, 2023, both dismissed; driving to endanger in Union Oct. 16, 2023, $575 fine, license suspended 30 days; use of artificial light to illuminate wild animals in Union Oct. 16, 2023, $1,500 fine.
Jacob Ecker Sr., 50, of Cushing, violating condition of release in Rockport March 10, 2024, dismissed.
Nathan Edgcomb, 68, of Rockland, harassment in Rockland Oct. 15, 2023, $100 fine.
Brooke Fillmore, 2, of Rockland, domestic violence assault in Friendship Nov. 23, 2023, dismissed; disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures in Friendship Nov. 23, 2023, $50 fine.
Thomas Gilliland, 62, of South Thomaston, operating after habitual offender revocation, with two priors, in Rockland Feb. 3, 2022, dismissed; operating after habitual offender revocation, with one prior, in Rockland Feb. 3, 2022, $1,000 fine.
Mathew Grierson, 35, of Waldoboro, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer in South Thomaston Jan. 5, 2023, restitution $974.72.
Katherine N. Hamel, 27, of Rockland, criminal mischief in Rockport Nov. 24, 2023, restitution of $1,640.
Michelle Heald, 46, of Rockland, theft by unauthorized use of property in Rockland March 21, 2024, dismissed; violating condition of release in Rockland March 22, 2024, guilty; operating after habitual offender revocation, with two priors, in Rockport April 1, 2024, dismissed; violating condition of release in Rockland April 1, 2024, 30 days in jail; operating after habitual offender revocation in Rockport April 1, 2024, $500 fine, 30 days in jail.
Darlene A. Hutchins, 56, of Washington, failing to notify of a motor vehicle accident in Rockland March 7, 2024, dismissed.
Zachary Jones, 30, of Vinalhaven, untagged lobster traps, Chapter 25, on Vinalhaven June 22, 2024, $500 fine.
Brandon E. Kavanagh, 39, of Warren, operating under the influence (alcohol) in Thomaston Jan. 11, 2023, $500 fine, license suspended 150 days; attaching false plates in Thomaston Jan. 11, 2023, dismissed.
Roman Mank, 42, of Waldoboro, violating municipal shellfish ordinance in Cushing July 11, 2024, $300 fine.
Chandler McGaw, 35, of Thomaston, operating under the influence (alcohol), no test, in Camden Feb. 28, 2023, dismissed; assault in Camden Feb. 28, 2023, $300 fine with the fine suspended; refusing to submit to arrest or detention, physical force in Camden Feb. 28, 2023, $300 fine with the fine suspended; driving to endanger in Camden Feb. 28, 2023, $575 fine, license suspended 30 days, registration suspended.
Devon McMahan, 38, of Rockland, criminal trespass in Rockport June 23, 2024, $250 fine.
Joan N. Merriam, 76, of Rockland, operating under the influence (alcohol) in Rockland March 14, 2024, $500 fine, license suspended 150 days.
Andrea L. Merrifield, 40, of Hope, violating condition of release in Union Dec. 18, 2022, $500 fine; violating condition of release in Hope Jan. 18, 2023, 24 hours in jail.
Kenneth Nguyen, 62, of Lincolnville, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer in Rockland Jan. 24, 2024, $250 fine, restitution $3.93; criminal trespass in Camden Jan. 25, 2024, dismissed.
Sonya Nichols, 42, of Vinalhaven, failing to make oral or written accident report on Vinalhaven Jan. 18, 2024, $350 fine; failing to notify of motor vehicle accident on Vinalhaven Jan. 18, 2024, $350 fine.
Zachari Ryan Pease, 35, of Warren, failing to report in Rockland April 1, 2021, 14 days in jail.
Ethan Reed, 25, of Friendship, operating under the influence (alcohol) in Rockland March 14, 2024, $500 fine, license suspended 150 days; attaching false plates in Rockland March 14, 2024, dismissed.
Samuel A. Richman, 44, of Lincolnville, violation of carrier license for pelagic etc. fish in Rockland June 19, 2024, $100 fine.
Joshua L. Ross, 37, of Thomaston, domestic violence aggravated assault in Thomaston March 24, 2024, dismissed; violating condition of release in Thomaston March 24, 2024, 90 days in jail; assault in Thomaston March 24, 2024, three years in jail with all but 90 days suspended, probation two years; violating condition of release in Rockland May 29, 2024, 90 days in jail.
Tyrus J. Seawell, 28, of Vinalhaven, failing to notify of motor vehicle accident on Vinalhaven June 19, 2024, $400 fine; failing to make oral or written accident report on Vinalhaven June 19, 2024, $400 fine with fine suspended.
David Sternberg, 62, of Thomaston, assault in Thomaston July 18, 2023, $300 fine; criminal trespass in Thomaston July 18, 2023, two days in jail; disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures in Thomaston July 18, 2023, 90 days in jail with all but two days suspended, one-year administrative sentence release.
Dana M. Wentworth, 33, of Vinalhaven, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer in Thomaston Jan. 28, 2024, $250 fine.
Donovan I. Williamson, 26, of Rockport, disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures in Rockland June 25, 2024, dismissed; disorderly conduct, loud unreasonable noise in Rockland June 25, 2024, seven days in jail.
Raymond P. Wright, 60, of Union, assault in Union Jan. 4, 2024, $300 fine, 14 days in jail.
Reach Sarah Shepherd at