letter to the editor

Haste makes waste in Rockport: No on 3, Yes on 15

Wed, 05/22/2024 - 8:00pm

Warrant Article 3 on Rockport’s June ballot asks voters approval for moving full speed ahead with purchase of land and a $50-plus million dollar bond for construction of a stand-alone waste-water treatment facility near Pen Bay Medical Center.  Some think that this will promote the town’s economic expansion.  Future growth is always largely speculative.

Aside from the terrible costs of building this stand-alone wastewater system, is the fact that no serious attention has been given to the reasonable alternative of continuing shared use of the already existing systems of our neighbors, Camden and Rockland.  Continuing collaboration of our three small towns could produce long-term benefits for us all.  It should be carefully investigated.  This will take time.  The current state of the world makes it very evident that we humans, as a species, have much still to learn about sharing and cooperation.

At this moment, here in Rockport, haste could indeed make waste of a real opportunity for more wise and careful action.  So I will vote NO on Article 3.  It comes too soon.  Then I will vote YES on Article 15.  It allows time for investigation of an alternative waste-water resolution which could benefit Rockport and its neighbors long-term and with lower costs.

Sally Cook lives in Rockport