Goose River Golf Club League results, May 21, 22

Thu, 05/23/2024 - 12:30pm

Twilight (Men's) League, May 21 | Team Scramble

1st (-5): Paul Schelble, Brian Wickenden, Sandy Ellsworth, Jason Peasley

2nd (-4): Peter Lynch, John Davee, Allan MacPhee, Michael Tracy


Ladies League, May 22 | Throw Out Three

A Flight

1st: Suzanne Wright (29)*

2nd: Diane Norton (29)*

3rd: Joanna Hall (30)


B Flight

1st: Sue Whalen (28)

2nd: Danielle Maguire (29)

3rd: Rebecca Greene (31)*


C Flight

1st: Shelly Butler (34)


*matched cards


Closest to the Pin #8 

1st: Joanna Hall 14’10”

2nd: Karen Higgins 18' 4.50"


For more information about Goose River Golf Club, visit the Goose website at or contact Head Golf Pro Ashton Benn at 236-8488.