Crystal Robinson is a listener and critical thinker

Sat, 10/08/2022 - 8:00pm

“‘Dirigo’ means to lead. Let’s make Maine a leader.”

“Holding people and organizations who benefit accountable” is a key message from Crystal Robinson’s approach to legislating. Responsibility and costs are handed down to the people instead of the source. A relatively simple fix can also create complicated and expensive new structures. 

Last year’s plastic bag law is an example. An effective solution could tie in personal responsibility, limited government, and environment. Start at the source, not the end. Customers didn’t create the tremendous plastic over-use but are the ones paying for the problem. 

I’ll vote for Crystal because she is a listener and critical thinker who cares deeply about the best interests of the district’s and state’s people. I hope you’ll join me.  Visit

George Knutson lives in Warren