Community dinner, building circle with restorative practitioner, author Leaf Seligman
Restorative Justice Practitioner and author Leaf Seligman comes to Belfast and Rockland for two evenings to help Restorative Justice Project Maine build community after the upcoming election.
See No Stranger: A Circle to Build Community Connection in a post-election world is "a chance to practice curiosity and deep listening and to connect us in this tender and tense time after the national election," said Restorative Justice Project Maine, in a news release.
Gather together in Belfast, on Wednesday, Nov. 13, from 5 - 7:30 p.m., at the UU Church; in Rockland on Thursday, Nov. 14, from 5 - 7:30 p.m., at St. Peter's Episcopal Church.
The events are free and open to everyone. RJP is accepting donations to help with the cost of the dinner and hosting Seligman, but no one will be turned away.
RSVP is required in order to help RJP plan the dinner: Dinner will be an assortment of casseroles, soup, bread, and dessert.
To attend the Belfast evening on November 13 rsvp here.
To attend the Rockland evening on November 14 rsvp here.