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Comedy, romance, plus a dog and a bear…Camden Shakespeare Festival 2020 season

Thu, 01/16/2020 - 5:45pm

    CAMDEN — The Camden Shakespeare Festival will present the comedy The Two Gentlemen of Verona and The Winter’s Tale for its seventh season. The season is produced in association with the Camden Public Library and St. Thomas’s Episcopal Church.

    The Two Gentlemen of Verona is an early romantic comedy in which a young man tries to steal his best friend’s girl. In it, you can see the themes that fascinated Shakespeare in many of his comedies – the cross-dressing heroine, the oppressive father, the foppish suitor, according to the Festival, in a news release.  It also has one of Shakespeare’s greatest comic creations – a dog named Crab. Crab plays straight man (or straight mutt) to his goofy master Launce. The scenes between the two of them might just steal the show. 

    The Winter’s Tale is one of Shakespeare’s masterpieces. A jealous king imprisons his wife, who he suspects of infidelity. And just when it seems that all it lost – something magical happens. The Winter’s Tale has one of the most spectacular and astonishing endings in all of theatre, said the Festival. The play also contains Shakespeare’s most famous stage direction: “exit pursued by a bear.” 

    The Festival runs from July 22 through August 9.

    At this time, The Festival is looking for anyone interested in being involved, on stage or offstage. Also, if you would like to be a part of the festival by hosting an actor in your home – unlimited free tickets will be yours. Contact festival director Stephen Legawiec at