UPDATE: Structure remains standing after nearby camper fire spreads
WARREN (Jan. 13, 2025) — Warren firefighters are looking at a possible furnace malfunction in a camper that manifested into flames, Sunday evening, Jan. 12, 2025.
The fire was fully involved in the camper by the time firefighters arrived on scene, prior to 8 p.m. And, when they arrived, they found that flames had reached a structure a few feet away. That structure, a single story residence, was occupied at the time – as were the camper and another residence on the same property. All occupants were able to evacuate safely, and without the assistance of the arriving emergency personnel.
The structure next to the house sustained damage to one room on the east end of the house, though minor smoke damage permeated throughout the rest of the building, according to Fire Chief Greg Andrews. The occupants of that structure will need to reside somewhere else for awhile.
WARREN — By the time firefighters arrived on scene to a reported camper fire in Warren, Sunday evening, flames had jumped to another structure a few feet away.
Following the 911 call, just prior to 7:50 p.m., Jan. 12, 2025, Warren, Union, and Waldoboro firefighters worked to save the structure at 2878 Atlantic Highway; the camper is a total loss.
Warren EMS and Central Maine Power also responded to the location, which is set back from the road, allowing traffic controllers the ability to keep Route 1 motor vehicle traffic moving past.
The last remaining fire personnel left the scene at 9:50 p.m.
Reach Sarah Thompson at news@penbaypilot.com