Camden Police investigate appearance of downtown antisemitic graphics
CAMDEN — Police Chief Randy Gagne said his department is investigating the origin of antisemitic graphics that appeared during the nighttime of Feb. 15.
The graphics reportedly were discovered on Main Street and included a swastika and Holocaust reference.
Maine State Representative Vicki Doudera (D-Camden) said upon learning of the images.
“Maine is experiencing an uptick in acts of antisemitism, with some of those incidents hitting close to home,” she said. “In January, antisemitic graffiti was scrawled across a Harpswell road, and recently an antisemitic image was discovered downtown in Camden.
“Hatred in any form — harassment, discrimination or threats — has no place in Maine. Hate speech is against the law and charges have been brought against the perpetrators in Harpswell.
“Camden is a welcoming town, a place that harbors love and hope — not hatred. I invite everyone to join me in standing with my Jewish American friends and neighbors against antisemitism and antisemitic acts.”
Gagne said the Camden PD has leads and is following up on them.