Agenda set for Five Town CSD board meeting May 3
ROCKPORT — The agenda for the next Five Town CSD school board meeting has been set.
The meeting will be held Wednesday, May 3 at 7 p.m. in the Rose Hall Board Room.
Meeting livestream:
1. Call to Order
2. Adjustments to the Agenda
3. Public Comment on Items not on the Agenda
4. Recognition
The Hatchery Energy Project Internship – Tula Bradley Prindiville, Laura Riordan, Maggie Blood and Olivia Huard
• Winner of: Puranik Foundation National Competition
• Award: $15,000 for implementation of Business Plan prototype and an all-expense paid two week trip to India
5. Minutes
a. Approval of the April 5 Regular School Board Meeting Minutes
6. Nominations (Note: Executive Session Possible for Nominations – 1 M.R.S. §405(6)(A))
a. Administrator Nominations for 2023-24
i. Cooper Marshall, Assistant Principal, CHRHS, $110,250
b. Teacher Nominations for 2023-24
i. Heidi Kopishke, Library Media Specialist, M18, $77,402
c. Stipend Nominations
Position Employee Points Bonus Amount
Baseball Boys, JV Patrick Kelly 38 20% $3,676.73
7. Notification of Resignations
a. Don Mann, French Teacher
8. Presentation: April break London Trip – Kelsey Clayton
9. Approval to Grant the Superintendent Authority to Issue Contracts to New Hires During the Summer, Effective Immediately.
10. Possible approval of an FY 22 Budget Cost Center Transfer of $68,000 from Article I to Articles 8 and 9 pursuant to MSRS Title 20-A Sec §1485, paragraph 4.
a. Shall the CSD School Board authorize the following FY 22 budget transfers:
i. $40,000 from Article 1 Regular Instruction to Article 8 Transportation
ii. $28,000 from Article 1 Regular Instruction to Article 10 Debt Service
11. Board Chair’s Report
a. Summer Board Retreat - date and topics
12. Superintendent’s Report
13. Administrative Reports
a. Shawn Carlson, Assistant Superintendent
b. Valerie Mattes, Director of Student Special Services
c. Jen Curtis, CHRHS Principal
14. Standing Committee Reports
a. CSD Curriculum – Met April 26. Minutes attached.
b. Finance – Met April 5, 2023, minutes attached. Meets before the School Board Meeting on May 3.
i. FY23 Update
c. Joint Personnel – Has not met.
d. Joint Negotiations – Met April 3
i. Possible approval of the 2023-2026 Megunticook Maintenance Bus Driver Custodial Food Service Association Contract (Executive Session Possible)
e. Joint Policy – Met April 25
First Reads
BEDH – Public Participation at Board Meetings
IKF – Graduation from High School
JL – Student Wellness
JLCDB - Naloxone
15. Board Advisory Committee Reports
a. MCST – Marcus Mrowka
16. School Advisory Committee Reports
a. Strategic Planning – Met April 24
i. Possible Approval of Five Town CSD Strategic Plan 2023-2027
17. Future Agenda Items
18. Adjourn